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​​​​Custom Install Step-By-Step

The first step in creating a home theatre starts with having a clear vision of what you want to achieve. It’s often good to talk to an experienced system designer at this stage so that you are properly informed of the full range of products that are available today and any future technology trends. The quality of the outcome then relies on good system design, good product selection and prewire/ installation by experts. After the installation is complete there is often a period of follow up visits to make sure the customer is comfortable with the ease of operation and to customise the system further if needed. Ongoing service and support is also important to keep you up to date and to make sure you continue to get the most of your system well into the future. The custom install process from start to finish can be broken down into the following steps:

1)      For new homes an initial meeting and consultation will allow us to look at your plans and discuss your requirements. For building projects that are already underway and existing homes an initial meeting followed by a site assessment will give us a feel for what are you looking for and what is possible. At this time we will put forward ideas, products and solutions that we think will meet your needs.

 2)      Based on our discussion with you we will compile a written quote giving a number of options for achieving the desired outcomes and pointing out the advantages of each. You will then have the ability to do your own research into the products on offer.

 3)      A second meeting will allow us to answer any questions you may have and allow us to refine the quote.

 4)      When you’re happy with the revised quote, wiring schematics will be drawn up and a rough time frame for the installation process will be agreed upon. Any cabinetry needs will be discussed now so that cabinets can be designed with the equipment in mind and enough time is left for cabinetry to be designed, manufactured and delivered.

 5)      Prewire - the house will be prewired with all necessary cables in a way that coordinates well with the builder and electrician.

 6)      Fitout – wall plates, brackets and in-ceiling speakers will be installed and cables terminated where necessary.

 7)      Installation – the installation of all of the hardware takes place when the finishing trades have left, the house is secure and the cabinets have been installed.

 8)      Programming, configuration and calibration – the installed hardware is configured and any control systems are programmed. The audio and video systems are also calibrated.

 9)      Driving lesson and hand over – we will walk you through the use of the system and point out all of its capabilities.

 10)    Three month complimentary support period – during this period we can fine tune the system and its control hardware to ensure you are fully satisfied.


​If you are ready to take your plans to the next stage then contact us to schedule an appointment